Outsider to Insider: Rethinking mothering support
    This week I had the great privilege of attending a lecture given by Dr Marjorie Aunos. Marjorie is both a colleague and friend, from the West Montreal Readaptation Centre in Canada. She has made a huge contribution to what we know about people with intellectual disability (ID) who are parents, and is a world expert in the field of parenting with ID. In January 2012, on her way to work, Marjorie's car slipped on black ice into the path of an oncoming truck. In a quarter of a second she became a paraplegic. And her life changed. There were skills to learn, and skills to relearn. There were long weeks in a hospital bed as her body recovered....

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The karate chop that wasn't

Black and white image of hands in a karate pose

I am glad that I'm able to write this. I might have been unable. This afternoon I narrowly avoided a karate chop. From someone I love.

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Ready to start

Picture of three school bags on the stairs

The night before school starts back there's always a little pressure. I feel it incumbent upon me to give the junior recipe testers the best chance of a good start for term. So last night it began. Nutritious meal, check. This was expertly prepared by the senior recipe tester. I was in the big kitchen preparing your nutritious meals.

Next, not too late to bed. Check.

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Today is a day for...

Coloured pencils in a line

Today I reflected that throughout my working life, I have been most fortunate to have jobs that have required me to write. With my Dinner on the Table hat on, it is my joy and privilege to write these posts every week about the daily juggle that we all do.

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Almost Vivid

Little boy eating ice-cream with a spoon at night by a floodlight

We are reaching a somewhat golden age of family life where evening outings are possible, as long as we're not out too late. Of course, we still have to have the altercation about whether one needs a woolly jacket when going out on a winter's night...

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World's next practice
Panel of people at a conference


This week I was lucky enough to spend two days in Melbourne at the Social Traders Masters Conference. I've had two days of absorbing. Two days of thinking big blue sky. Two days of hearing from some of the brightest minds in the game about how they're using the marketplace to solve some big social problems.

"We all know about world's best practice," mused the conference MC. "Social enterprise is world's next practice."

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A child's mouth, smiling with a bottom tooth missing

How it started...

Image of a child's mouth with a front tooth missing

I never thought for a second that a lost tooth would cause so much trouble. After all, it wasn't even MY tooth that fell out. But trouble it did cause.

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A bit busy...

Picture of a lit match in the night

I was all poised to write something witty and amusing. But I can't. I'm a bit busy.

Yesterday, in the big kitchen, I inadvertently started a fire.

I did not pay due regard to Kate's protests that she could smell something burning...

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Building a longer table

If you are more fortunate than others it is better to build a longer table than a taller fence

This morning I spent a number of hours talking to someone I'd never previously met about Dinner on the Table. You'll be surprised to know that it's one of my favourite things to talk about. We talked about lots of different aspects of this little idea. But when I boil it down in my mind what we're really talking about is the building of a community. For us, it's a community around a table.


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Making the most of it...

Park very late in the dayWith this unseasonably warm (well, weird really) weather, we have felt that we should make the most of the warm afternoons. We dutifully planned a weekend trip to the park. It seemed such a good idea. Turns out it wasn't really.

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