The art of giving up

Cupcakes with birthday candles, one in each

There is an art in parenting, I think, in recognising the time at which you would do better to stop. There's a time when it would be prudent to realise that continuing to do for your children is pointless, and just leave well enough alone.

I am a lousy judge of such a time.

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Mums versus kids...

Three children at the breakfast table

Sometimes I think they set me up. It's like waking up in a war zone. From the very first moment of the day, the junior recipe testers seem to deem me arch enemy number one, and it's on for young and old. I must try and get them dressed, which most frustratingly often requires them to be shod, and out the door. They, it seems, aim to achieve pretty much anything else...

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Pocket a Posy for Mum

petite posy shoppe flowers

Because we think Mums are worth celebrating, we're thrilled to be
collaborating with the petite posy shoppe this week. 

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Outsider to Insider: Rethinking mothering support
    This week I had the great privilege of attending a lecture given by Dr Marjorie Aunos. Marjorie is both a colleague and friend, from the West Montreal Readaptation Centre in Canada. She has made a huge contribution to what we know about people with intellectual disability (ID) who are parents, and is a world expert in the field of parenting with ID. In January 2012, on her way to work, Marjorie's car slipped on black ice into the path of an oncoming truck. In a quarter of a second she became a paraplegic. And her life changed. There were skills to learn, and skills to relearn. There were long weeks in a hospital bed as her body recovered....

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Strategic planning and beans

Green beans in a line on a wooden board

When a number of people live in the one household there are going to be times when you wonder just how you're going to make it all fit. Too many people, too many places, too little time. You know the deal.

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