Founder Rachel, is a former postdoctoral fellow, researching family and disability. She believes that, together, we can transform the way our society cares for women made vulnerable by disability. These women are doing the juggle too, often with fewer resources and greater pressures. Knowing that tonight’s dinner is done surely takes some of the pressure off. Your order allows us to provide meals at no cost to women made vulnerable by disability and their families.

We've been gifting meals

We've been gifting dinners to families living with disability since February 2015. Here's how we're doing so far:

Gift box


meals gifted to families living with disability

Fork and knife


adult portions served*
*As we gift dinners to families with children, those portions have fed a greater number of people.

Egg timer


dinner prep hours saved^
^ based on Australian Bureau of Statistics data on how Australians use their time