Ready to start

Picture of three school bags on the stairsThe night before school starts back there's always a little pressure. I feel it incumbent upon me to give the junior recipe testers the best chance of a good start for term. So last night it began. Nutritious meal, check. This was expertly prepared by the senior recipe tester. I was in the big kitchen preparing your nutritious meals.

Next, not too late to bed. Check.

I then had to go out. All was in hand, so I left.

I arrived home to find the senior recipe tester ironing the school shirts for the next day. Gold star for the senior.

The juniors were asleep in their beds. Gold stars for the juniors.

As I gazed upon their sleeping persons I realised that two of the juniors were sporting hand drawn mustaches. They did not have mustaches when they went to bed.

Yep, we're ready to start the term.