Making the most of it...

Park very late in the dayWith this unseasonably warm (well, weird really) weather, we have felt that we should make the most of the warm afternoons. We dutifully planned a weekend trip to the park. It seemed such a good idea. Turns out it wasn't really.

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The great muster

The grand-master fixing the gate on the farm

Living in community can be challenging. This is perhaps made more particularly so when you live in community with those who know you best. Those with whom you have spent extensive amounts of time. Basically, those you are related to.

With the long weekend looming we decided to get out of Sydney for a few days. We sought wide open spaces, and green pastures. We found a three bedroom, two bathroom house with the most magnificent view. We found 200 acres of wide open space. And when we arrived, there were eleven other people to share it with.

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Getting out into the great outdoors

Picture of two junior recipe testers helping load bikes onto a bike rack

We're routinely told it is good for juniors to be active and spend time outdoors. Too right. And so we thought to do just that. A trip to the park, a ride on the bikes, throw in a few cousins and you pretty much have junior-recipe-tester nirvana.

Drink bottles. Check. Morning tea. Check. Hats and sunscreen. Check, check. Bikes. ...Ah.

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Time to think differently...

Strategic planning and beans

Green beans in a line on a wooden board

When a number of people live in the one household there are going to be times when you wonder just how you're going to make it all fit. Too many people, too many places, too little time. You know the deal.

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Social enterprise - innovation at its finest?

Inside of a hot air balloon

I am very grateful to Parramatta City Rotary Club for inviting me to present to their meeting last week. They not only put on a delicious lunch (I'm always motivated by good food), but were very interested in what Dinner on the Table is doing in the social sector and eager to offer their support. We look forward to staying in touch!

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On the hunt for yabbies

Little boy looking into a dam

I'm not sure whether it was the grand master recipe tester (AKA Grandpa) or the junior recipe testers who suggested it. But somehow, on our weekend away at the farm, a trip to the dam to fish for yabbies was suggested. Suddenly everyone seemed to think it was a good idea. Or at least the juniors did. We're still not certain about the grand master's enthusiasm. He got outvoted.

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Cupcakes and carrots

Cupcakes infront of Easter hats

One of the junior recipe testers celebrated a birthday on the weekend. Being among the youngest in her class, her birthday is always much longed-for as finally 'catching up' to everyone else. A party was planned and a cake was selected.

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When the chips are down...

Chips (french fries) lying on a wooden board

This week I've had pause to consider our own daily routine. Mostly I've had pause because I, along with every member of the clan, have been down with a virus. Day to day we generally manage just fine...

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The plunger and the puller

Medicine plungers

This week we have dealt with colds. All of the juniors have suffered through a rather vicious bug complete with endless high fevers. I've learned a few things.

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