Sweating the cold stuff


I know that there is a recurring theme with my blog posts. But, in my defence, it seems to me that most problems in life relate to logistics; that is, the moving of people or things from one place to another. As I grow older I have come to consider the benefits of staying put. In fact I might be happy if I never had to move anything or anyone ever again.

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Mums versus kids...

Three children at the breakfast table

Sometimes I think they set me up. It's like waking up in a war zone. From the very first moment of the day, the junior recipe testers seem to deem me arch enemy number one, and it's on for young and old. I must try and get them dressed, which most frustratingly often requires them to be shod, and out the door. They, it seems, aim to achieve pretty much anything else...

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Pocket a Posy for Mum

petite posy shoppe flowers


Because we think Mums are worth celebrating, we're thrilled to be
collaborating with the petite posy shoppe this week. 

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Altruist or other?

Question mark made out of cherry tomatoes on a wooden board, with the question "What if..."

I have a confession. It's something I have known for a while. But it seems to run so contrary to popular opinion, I find it hard to say it out loud.

I don't think gifting dinners is a nice thing to do.

A few months ago, I was offered a half scholarship to study at The Women's Business School. And so a month ago, I commenced. I have just handed in my first assessment. I have never, in all my years working and studying at University, completed an assessment quite like this one...

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Hearty Meat Pie Recipe

Image of hearty meat pie

This week we've had the pleasure of cooking a new pie for our frozen favourites menu. Kate, who works in our kitchen, shared her Mum's recipe with us last week and we pronounced it delicious. So, this week we're cooking it for you! 

But if you have a little extra time on your hands and fancy a little pie-making, here's the recipe so you can make it yourself.

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All over it. Or not.

Image of milk spilling into a spoon on a black backgroundThere are days when you're all over it. And then there are those days when it's all over you. No prizes for guessing.

The day started, like most before it, with the obligatory cup of tea. With tea poured, one of the junior recipe testers and I went to read a book on the couch. Just before I sat down I managed to drop my cup.

It landed on the edge of the seat of the couch...

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The trumpet shall sound...

Silhouette of a figure holding a trumpet

We are learning the trumpet. Well, when I say "we", I mean one of us is learning the trumpet. But the walls in our home are such that we're all right there amongst it. For every huff, groan and occasional note that emerges.

I am not complaining. I was the one who encouraged the pursuit of music. The senior recipe tester is blessed with a great many talents. Music is not one of them. As my aunt once fondly commented, "Bless him. He can't get within a bull's roar of a note."

But I digress. We now have in our possession a beautiful instrument, on loan from the school music department. We cared for it diligently for perhaps twenty four hours before we had a problem.

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Relaxation and chilli sauce

Sausages on a BBQ

There are occasions that you wished you hadn't tried so hard to relax. In fact, sometimes it might be more relaxing not to relax.

We recently planned a lovely picnic for dinner. The junior recipe testers were particularly excited about it, as was the senior recipe tester and I. We were picnic-ing with extended family: there were sibling-type senior recipe testers to drink wine with, and plenty of junior cousins to play with. A relaxing evening all round.

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You asked for it...

 Dinner on the Table delivery van

We're always listening when you tell us how we can change your daily life. And you've told us that last minute dinners could really get you out of a bind! (We get it, we're last minute people too... one more than most. Not saying which one 😉.)

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Back to school...

Image of children's green shoes sitting atop a toy blackboard and some pencils

For me, going back to school means one horrifying, terrifying activity. For the uninitiated, I advise you to avert your eyes, to close your browser, to read no further. Nothing they tell you in antenatal classes will put you off parenting. Buying school shoes just might. Fortunately for our junior recipe testers, this dreadful activity precisely coincides with a time that it is too late to change your mind about being a parent. At that point, you can rarely give your children back.

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