A bit busy...

Picture of a lit match in the night

I was all poised to write something witty and amusing. But I can't. I'm a bit busy.

Yesterday, in the big kitchen, I inadvertently started a fire.

I did not pay due regard to Kate's protests that she could smell something burning...

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Making the most of it...

Park very late in the dayWith this unseasonably warm (well, weird really) weather, we have felt that we should make the most of the warm afternoons. We dutifully planned a weekend trip to the park. It seemed such a good idea. Turns out it wasn't really.

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Nowhere without each other

Picture of a broken car key

I mentioned last week my difficulties with a car key that snapped in half, leaving a stump on my key ring. Handily, the stump still locks and unlocks the car. It just doesn't have the bit that actually drives it...

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Five minutes spare?

Tea cup on a wooden table

The weeks can seem endless, and sometimes a struggle
But when I sit back and I muse on the juggle
No wonder we're tired; no wonder we're stretched
The list of events makes you feel downright wrecked...

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