Tales from the kitchen

Tag: Melbourne meal delivery

Freedom day and other furphies

Freedom day and other furphies
I'll make you a promise. After this email I shall refrain from mentioning the words "freedom day" any more. In Sydney, we're 48 hours in, and already I'm irritated and fed up with the notion. Mostly because it is a notion that affects different sectors in society in vastly different ways.Hands up those homeschooling their junior recipe testers? And leave your hands up if your life looks vastly different this week to last week? Anyone??Unlike last week, on freedom Monday, the junior recipe testers presented the senior recipe tester and I with a large list. The list contained a vast array of items, including some of which I had never heard, they required for science day this week.We will need to procure these...

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The problem with rules

The problem with rules
Students have had a rough year. And so we think they need a survival pack: to assist study and power them up. Melbourne & Sydney meal delivery.

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The very best of things
Photography by alexandermayesphotography  This is not my story. This is a story that one of our lovely, long time customers shared with me the other day. Last Saturday, they ordered a cheese & antipasto box, along with a bunch of dinners, which we delivered to them. There was no particular occasion. They just decided to have a special night in.And so, this family dressed in their finery, listened to music, chatted, ate a delicious meal and enjoyed being together. It lifted their spirits, as they celebrated the near-end of the school term, and the joys that can be found in hanging out with the same group of people day after day.We know that occasions are not made by the food you...

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