One of those days...

We all have those days. They crop up from time to time. And from the minute your feet hit the floor you count down the hours until you can climb back into bed, day done.

There are, however, some key indicators that it is, or it is going to be, one of those days. Here are just a few:

  1. Morning shave completed, the chief recipe tester tapped out his electric razor in the basin to have the entire head fall off into someone else's freshly spat toothpaste foam.
  2. We stepped out the front door to discover that the cat had not felt the need to restrict himself to the garden. Apparently, the front door mat did just fine.
  3. I found myself refereeing an argument about whose turn it was to wiggle the loose tooth. Only one mouth in the household possessed a wobbly tooth. Three persons were engaged in an argument.
  4. We do not own a cat.

The fifth way it was imminently apparent that it had been one of those days was when I went into the bathroom to assist a junior recipe tester in the shower. The junior recipe tester had been busy trying his hand as a junior plumber and had removed the floor waste cover for investigation. Shower recesses are treacherous places when wet, and he had slipped and fallen into the hole he had just created. His hysterical shrieking was perhaps warranted. He was in up to his knee.

If you're having one of those days, may I suggest this week's menu?

 As always, please contact me with queries, for lists of ingredients or for recipes.

Order by Friday night for dinners delivered the following Tuesday.